Poemas :  Mi primer poema en ingles
             Samantha G Patton 

Today I'm experiencing so much pain
It got so much worse with cocaine
I contemplated cutting my big vain 
But that's a coward way out n so lame
I lost my baby, my  princess  a woman so special
She is in my life absolutely  essential 
I thought I could easy move on like I did before
 n knowing it was my fault torments me more
All I ever wanted was to marry her n make her the happiest woman alive drugs got in the way Devasted me n now I must get up n try to survive
When  u love a person with such great intensity
The words are not enough to describe my regret and true feelings
Otherwise they would fill up this room  and surpass the ceilings
She doesn't know how much she is helping me to become a better man 
I will turn my life around n with God strong I will stand 
Pay her every single dime show her my love n maybe then 
She will take me back but if she doesn't.... I understand 
Regardless  of the outcome she is worth  my every try 
Knowing she is with somebody else sure makes  me cry 
But if he loves her half of what I do 
Together they should be
I only care about her happyness even if it's not with me 
I miss u n I'm sorry for everything 
For your love I will do anything 
I know this poem is not nice like the ones u find in cards at  hallmark
But every word is true n it comes straight from my heart 
To some it might sound generic n a bit cliche or like something u read before but I assure u it's not the same 
Cause it's unique n it took pain time n effort n the best part is the title cause it's her name
 my unconditional love forginess n 
 loyalty does not lack  
I love u princess n I don't expect u to say anything back 