Poemas :  Te extraño
Hace mucho no te veo, y mientras días pasan mas te extraño, extraño el brillo de tus ojos, extraño la luz de tu sonrisa, extraño el olor de tu cabello, extraño el rojo color de tus mejillas pintadas con un cierto aire de vergüenza tras un beso inesperado, extraño el dulce sabor de tus labios y la ternura de las palabras que salían de ellos, extraño el agradable aroma de tu perfume, extraño la suavidad de tus manos y la calidez de su caricia, extraño la fuerza de tu abrazo cuando creíamos que nada podía separarnos, extraño caminar de tu brazo, extraño ver mi reflejo en tus ojos y darme cuenta de como cambiaba mi expresión cuando estaba a tu lado, extraño tomarte de la mano mientras viajábamos asia cualquier lugar, extraño platicar contigo hasta el momento en el que el sueño nos tenía casi rendidos, pero lo que mas extraño es ver un tu rostro como poco a poco te dibujaba una sonrisa cada vez que nos veíamos...

Poemas :  Home protection Cameras-To Catch A Thief
Those who want to create particular that their homes are safe and seem and safe and seem citizens while using house,<a href="http://www.tiffanyandcouk.net/">tiffany & co uk</a><br><br> their belongings and too as their beloved pets,

house protection cameras are an basic system to have. Most attributes these times have protection techniques that are hardwired thus are activated with a crucial pad.

The crucial pads can be by way of the the front doorway or even the exit doorway for the garage. cellular protection techniques can be present in additional pricey


The cameras and protection system is often purchased on-line or they might be purchased and set up

<a href="http://www.tiffanyandcouk.net/tiffany ... c-2.html">tiffany rings</a><br>with a protection business which include ADT. Which camera system a

staff being chooses genuinely will depend on their technological knowledge. establishing these techniques isn't really the least expensive complex point to make an

effort to achieve this it should genuinely be done by somebody who genuinely has figured out the things they are doing.

The cost assortment for protection cameras differ significantly and there are actually several on-line web-sites to store while using best price. Amazon, eBay and

speciality internet web-sites offer you protection camera techniques also it is effectively worth your time and effort to store these sites.

Some internet web-sites protection cameras will even deliver a reside video clip feed immediate to some personal computer or every other computer. New moms enjoy this

system also it assists them to really feel comfy examining on the child sitter or full time nanny. protection cameras are present in all banks, hotels, considerable

car parking structures too as other reseller establishments.<a href="http://www.tiffanyandcouk.net/tiffany ... c-1.html">tiffany earrings on sale</a><br> an impressive gain of protection cameras is the fact that catch a transgression on video clip as well as

the law enforcement can perform back once more the video clip to establish the criminal. tv stations can perform the video clip feed as well.

There are tons of options for what the digital battery existence of your protection camera system has reliant covering the sizing of your protection camera. the

increased small protection camera techniques may perhaps only final 4 to 8 hrs on only one digital battery demand while a bigger one which may perhaps be straight

plugged in will operate indefinitely.

The cost assortment on your home protection camera system varies enormously dependant upon features while using camera. A more small protection camera is often

purchased for around one hundred dollars but a genuinely increased high quality protection camera system could demand many hundred dollars. It will depend on what its

steering being utilized for. once the goal is genuinely basic a shopper should genuinely shell out a little bit additional profits to obtain a increased high quality

image that could perhaps be steering being alternatively much additional beneficial later.

Poemas :  You period outdoors of bed as well as your ft
Revolutionary treatment options For Heel soreness

scream in pain! You waddle (or perhaps even crawl) through the place until the soreness begins to subside. Your are

active, you look at and preserve jogging even by means of the pain, however the soreness just will get worse. ideal after a number of minutes, the soreness begins to

increase only to come back once more if you at any time sitdown, laydown as well as by means of the hold out by means of the early morning regardless of what. Does

this sound experience familiar? for just about any whole large amount of individuals this actually is usually a dialy occurance and it is regularly diagnosed as

"Plantar Fasciitis".

Many people ask for if this may resolve without the treatment and commonly look at and resolve it with some uncomplicated treatment options at house like ice,

stretching, arch facilitates as well as altering <a href="http://www.fitflopssaleuk.com/fitflop ... 11.html">fitflops rebel</a><br>(goodbye flip flops). once the soreness does not increase (sometimes it does), they begin to seem for

other options to defeat this limiting problem. you can obtain a huge level of treatment options.

Common treatment options consist of orthotics, night time splints, cortisone shots, casting, boots as well as limiting activities. for runner as well as a sports

activities physician, I regularly do not consider into reports it an exceptional choice to cease people from exercising, consequently i am continually attempting to

find options to resolve soreness even although continuing activities. allow me concentrate on some groundbreaking treatment options because of this agonizing


1. chilly laserlight --> This treatment choice is painless and utilizes a type of Ultraviolet lighting effects <a href="http://www.fitflopssaleuk.com/">fitflops on sale</a><br>(or smaller amount photon energy) to penetrate in places

of soreness to promote improved mobile metabolic process within the places of maximal pain. it'll consequently create improved mobile migration to area and improved

movement to sooner or later on smaller swelling, smaller soreness and create recovery of your agonizing plantar fascia.

The income with this particular treatment is made of comprehensive absence of soreness while in treatment and FDA recognized safety. The greatest negative aspect could

perhaps be the requirement for several treatment options (8-12) with 2-3 treatment options necessary every day to own ideal results. it might be shown, however, to

become somewhat beneficial.

2. APC (Autologus Platelet Concentrate) or Platelet wealthy Plasma injection --> still another pretty new treatment that concentrates the tissues most beneficial in

recovery as used by means of the affected particular person and reintroduce these tissues percutaneously to the inflammed plantar fascia. the concept is always to

promote recovery by means of injection (the uncomplicated work of inserting a needle can promote healing) and additional promote recovery by means of utilization of

recovery tissues injected to the sought after site.

Advantages consist of advancement and decision of signs or symptoms commonly ideal after only one injection, commonly exceptionally much additional effective than

cortisone injections. The large negative aspect is made of soreness with drawing by means of the bloodstream and injection. attention need to become utilized to

smaller infection.

3. Topaz Radiocoblation --> The newest treatment, a minimally invasive surgical treatment often called the mini-plantar fasciotomy, is made up by means of the

percutaneous insertion of your radiofrequency probe to the plantar fascia. The probe is locally inserted at different depths by means of the percutaneous grid to offer

with essentially the most agonizing places by means of the heel (and plantar fascia). The insertion yields three results: 1) Mini tears within the plantar fascia to

allow lengthening and smaller the retrograde pull from regular walking<a href="http://www.fitflopssaleuk.com/fitflop ... -8.html">fitflops positano</a><br> 2) promote neoangiogenesis (new bloodstream vessel formation) to smaller inflammation and allow

migration of crucial tissues and mediators for recovery the plantar fascia. 3) development factor migration in the course of the area to promote collagen dietary fiber

regrowth and comprehensive recovery by means of the inflammed plantar fascia.

Advantages with this particular treatment consist of the common decision of soreness longterm from solving the problem, not just managing the symptoms. The surgical

treatment is regularly speedy (often much under twenty minutes) and results in it possible for reeturn to regular shoegear within times by means of the treatment. one

negative aspect with this particular approach could perhaps be the achievable real truth that this surgical treatment may completely need 2-4 weeks for comprehensive


Now with these state-of-the-art treatments, we commonly advise mixtures to make the greatest results. Most recently, we now have mixed the Topaz Radiocoblation with

Platlet wealthy Plasma (PRP) to utilize the good elements of every solo and create the greatest results. So when you hobble in the course of the bathing room at night

time or within the previously morning, consider into reports some new treatment options that could completely get you back once more to regular quickly.

Poemas :  a-zu-lado
Basta de las hojas que nunca me leyeron,
en la planta de mi mano tu cielo
salpicado de sonrisas inquietas.
A-zu-lado y vagabundo mi trazo te dibuja en las paredes.

Con miedo de azulejo se distingue la que nunca fuiste
para amar lo que nunca te di.

Lamentadas las burbujas de tu rebeldía,
caen gravitantes en el pozo de mi orgullo
para ahogarse purgatorias
en un sin fin de miradas sarcásticas.

No queda mas,
tu mirando para atrás
y yo dejando el presente en el jamás.

basta de escribirte que esto es tuyo,
basta de no creerlo.

Poemas :  de la calle...
No se toca el cuerpo ajeno con amor,
se toca con ganas.

Mar dulce
de sueños rotos,
Ígnea ambigüedad
tus piernas con rocío.

Lamentos de alabastro
que cobran vida
los días ausentes.

Ojos impuros
dados a la castidad de mi sexo.

Poemas :  Para quererte a ti
Para quererte a ti
no hace falta la luna
no hace falta el rocio
ni siquiera la lluvia
para quererte a ti
no hay mas explicaciones
que el saber tu existir
sin contar las razones
para quererte a ti
no hay que pedir verdades
no hay que buscar mentiras
ni siquiera hay que hablarte
para querete a ti
me basta con mirarte
me sobra con saberte
y por quererte a ti
se me escapan las dudas
se van alzando el vuelo
para no volver nunca
y por si fuera poco
no importa la distancia
ni el por que ni el cuando
para quererte a ti.

Armando Romero

Poemas :  El cielo llora
El cielo llora, pero no es por ver tus sueños destrozados en la acera, sino porque tu los dejas morir sin hacer nada al respecto; el día de hoy el cielo llora irreparablemente, pues mientras más tierra cubre con su manto, más personas ve sufrir en su miseria, el día de hoy el cielo llora como un niño pequeño, por ver a tantas personas distanciadas de sus queridos, el día de hoy el cielo llora dando fuertes alaridos, al ver la violencia cada vez más presente en todo el mundo, el día de hoy el cielo llora inconsolablemente al ver que el hombre tan orgulloso de su evolución mal usa la investigación de mentes brillantes para hacer armas, el día de hoy el cielo llora tras ver como callas tus metas para salir en busca del dinero que desde hace tiempo es lo que mueve al mundo, el día de hoy el cielo llora al ver la injusticia de un inocente tras las rejas y un culpable que sigue cometiendo crímenes, el día de hoy el cielo llora porque ve la tristeza de aquel niño que por azares del destino no llego a conocer el amor de una familia, el cielo llora esperando que su llanto aliviane nuestras penas y otro tanto esperando que sus nubes lluviosas le eviten ver más la miseria de este plano terrenal

Poemas :  Luces y sombras
En la sombra de mi ego
hay un pensador errante.
Las palabras son su juego.
Él no actúa, está distante.

Es un niño mi entrecejo.
La sombra no lo recoge.
Intenta que llegue a viejo
estropeando relojes.

Hay una mujer, si amo;
envidiosos, si prospero.
Inseguro soy el ramo
que se ahoga en el reguero.

En mi sombra se protege
de la luz la fortaleza,
ostentando firme el eje
donde amarra a la tristeza.

Los demonios del pasado
chillan. No los reverencio.
Los errores silenciados
se refugian en silencio.

Mi arrepentimiento
es un hormiguero.
Mi alma es el sustento
de estos mil mineros.

Mi sombra se alarga inerte
a lo largo de la tarde.
Yo le doy mis movimientos;
el Sol la luz, pues él arde.

La fiebre del oro
me causó delirios.
Maté mil hormigas
en un genocidio.

La Luna cose retales
y en oro una frase borda:
"Lo que viven los mortales
no es más que luces y sombras."


Poemas :  Predicando predicados
Por lo que tengo entendido
diría que Poesía es...

Es hablar con las estrellas,
con la lluvia y con el pan.
Arder como una centella.
Suspirar sin respirar.
Es escribir de lo bello,
de personas no nombradas.
Es el triunfo y la derrota
de batallas empatadas.
Es el tanatos y el ethos.
Clavel con forma de espada.
Predicado que aún sujeto
muestra ecos de miradas.
Atreverme a describirme
omitiendo distracciones,
personajes; evadirme,
contradecir situaciones.
Recordarte que te sientes
besugo fuera del agua.
Crear el sudor de tu frente
convirtiendo el verso en fragua.
Es matar sin asesino,
sin víctimas y sin juez.
Es contar lo que imagino.
Es todo y nada a la vez.
Es el ritmo en la palabra.
El valor de los cobardes
por su cobardía matada
puede describir por partes
o escribir sin decir nada.


Poemas :  Jueces
Contradicciones de lo humano
a mis reflexiones llegaron
mientras contemplaba mis manos
sintiendo frío tacto mundano.
¿Qué juicio le quedará al necio?
¿Qué precio ponerle al pecado?
Me daña el tiempo de la espera
que se adhiere a mis costados,
que empuja al pasar a mi vera
sin poder pasarlo a tu lado.
Cuando a mi me olvide el presente
dejaré de mirar mis manos.
También me duele que me ordenen
y que me olvide el pasado.
Sangra la voz resquebrajada
de mi maltratada conciencia.
Cáusale atroz fatiga atada
a las tripas de mi paciencia.

Mísera bruja del lujo, qué
bien sedujo, qué mal distrajo a
las contradicciones del brujo
que de la campana es badajo.
Ascienden voces desde abajo.
Seguramente se deba a que
mil contradicciones discuten
a gritos, no puedo acallarlas.
Miro mis manos mas no huyen.
Tras ellas oculto la cara.
Espero que no se percaten
de mi máscara improvisada.
Tras la que mira delatora
una mirada avergonzada.
