Poemas :  Costly Mistakes When Betting on Indonesian Odds That Never Win
Indonesian odds offer very high payout rates, especially with negative odds. However, you might find yourself under the "curse" of losing bets when participating in Indonesian odds without understanding why. Check out the mistakes listed below to see if you are making any of them and learn from Win tips how to bet more effectively.
Effective Calculation of Indonesian Betting Odds
The first mistake, though not common among many bettors, is still a key reason for failure when betting on Indonesian odds. This factor is crucial in football betting, not just for Indonesian odds but also for Hong Kong, Malaysian, and other odds. Here's a simple and effective way to calculate Indonesian betting odds:
Positive Indonesian Odds (+) Calculation:
\[ \textWinning Amount=\textBet Amount \times \textOdds \]
Many people prefer betting on positive Indonesian odds because the rewards are high. Of course, the risk is also high, but taking risks can lead to substantial rewards.
Example for easy application of positive Indonesian odds:
In a tense match between Manchester City and Manchester United, the bookmaker websites sets the odds at -1.25 for 1.5 goals. If you bet 50,000 VND on the full match and the result is over 1.5 goals, the winnings would be calculated as follows:
\[ 50,000 \text VND \times 1.25=62,500 \text VND \]
Including the initial bet amount, you get a total of 112,500 VND.
Negative Indonesian Odds (-) Calculation:
\[ \textWinning Amount=\frac\textBet Amount\textOdds \]
Negative Indonesian odds have a high payout rate, but not as high as positive odds. For those who prefer a safer approach, this is the better option.
Mistakes to Avoid When Betting on Indonesian Odds
If you always lose when betting on Indonesian odds, you might be making some serious mistakes without realizing it. Here are common mistakes many people make:
1. Not Trusting Your Own Analysis:
Indonesian odds betting isn't for those who rely on luck. You need to research and deeply analyze the match to make accurate predictions. Trusting your own conclusions typically results in a higher winning rate than relying on others' predictions or unreliable websites. Indonesian odds can be positive or negative, but losing bets are usually significant, so avoid this mistake.
2. Falling Into Bookmakers' Traps:
Each betting option in Indonesian odds offers a chance of winning. Combining different betting strategies can increase your winning rate. However, as the match time approaches, free bookmaker offers often manipulate odds to lure players. The higher the odds, the greater the risk, so be cautious not to fall into this trap.
3. Not Using Betting Tips Flexibly:
Many players use Indonesian betting tips for high win rates. However, some ignore these tips and bet based on intuition, leading to failure. Use tips from experts or reputable websites to see their true value.
4. Not Analyzing Indonesian Odds Before Betting:
Failing to analyze Indonesian odds before betting is a major mistake. You must calculate potential winnings, list risks, and understand possible losses. Avoid betting on high-reward options without thorough analysis.
5. Only Betting on Favorite Teams:
Betting on favorite teams can lead to biased decisions. Football is unpredictable and influenced by external factors like weather. Instead, use sharp judgment to choose the best team for Indonesian odds betting.
6. Not Keeping Updated on Match Information:
Not staying updated on match information and developments can lead to losing bets. Before important matches, follow transfer news, player injuries, home advantage, etc., to make informed bets.
7. Avoiding All-In Bets:
Experts advise against all-in bets on a single wager. This approach is risky and often leads to significant losses. Instead, use smart betting strategies for Indonesian odds.
8. Taking Risks Without Strategy:
Taking unnecessary risks with Indonesian odds can lead to quick losses. For bets with a 50:50 chance, such as three-way handicaps or score bets, you can try Indonesian odds cautiously.
These are eight common mistakes in Indonesian odds betting, compiled by Wintips experts. Use smart betting tips for positive or negative Indonesian odds to avoid losses. Remember, higher odds mean higher risk, so avoid risky bets according to Wintips, the number one bookmaker in Vietnam.

Poemas de esperanza :  Esperanza
El fiel canto de mi gallo
me despierta en las mañanas
al ritmo de las campanas
de la iglesia el primer rayo
del sol terso, sin desmayo,
se filtra entre las retamas
por sus tan preciosas ramas
las aves inician vuelo
de esperanzador consuelo
frente a la vida y sus dramas.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 14 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de reflexíon :  Ni un voto para el tal Máynez
La vileza nada frena
el tal Máynez toma el rol
de ser farsante esquirol
de López, Claudia y morena,
el ser palero es su lema
piénsale bien, te lo ruego,
ya no atices más el fuego
si das un voto al naranja
va para Sheinbaum la transa,
la democracia está en juego.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 14 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de reflexíon :  Por fin ya nos dimos cuenta
Casi un sexenio ha bastado
para, por fin, darnos cuenta
del engaño, de la afrenta,
que en México ha dejado
López y su narcoestado
que mal daña con traición
la cuarta putrefacción
es de muerte, de pobreza,
de miseria y de flaqueza
de un pueblo en la sin razón.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 13 de abril del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de alegría :  Tu y el mar
Tu y el mar
La inmensidad del mar
está en tu alma
y las deliciosas olas
en tu cuerpo.

Los excitantes colores
de la alegría del mar
se reflejan en los cristales
divino de tus ojos.

El sabor del mar
se quedó atrapado
en tus labios tiernos y carnosos
que me abrazan cariñosos.

Y la profundidad del mar
está en tu cautivo mirar

Enrique Canchola
14 de mayo de 2024

Poemas infantiles :  Pescadito calamar
Eras como un pescadito
en el fondo de la alberca
zambullido en forma terca
por el fuerte solecito
ya estabas bien tostadito,
nadie te podía sacar
te sentías en alta mar
en esa linda piscina
de forma graciosa, fina,
nadabas cual calamar.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Temixco, Estado de Morelos, México, a 01 de abril del 2024
Dedicado a mi nietecito “Tady” (te amo a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de reflexíon :  Taboada, ganador del tercer debate chilango
En el debate chilango
se notó la diferencia
de propuestas y consciencia
de Taboada, clase y rango,
para sacarnos del fango
en que nos tiene morena
pegándonos su gangrena,
frente a la turbia Brugada
en mentir empecinada
muy quitada de la pena.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 12 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas :  Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)

Oh, tu, deusa da justiça,
Cria neste mundo que
Tanto precisa a verdadeira
Justiça, que as leis sejam
Estudadas e praticadas
Por todos os homens.

Este mundo carece de
Justiça, tu bem o sabes,
Precisamos de ti, ó deusa
Que preside a justiça e
O equilíbrio e que sempre
Terá diante de si o justo.

Poemas :  Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)

Oh, tu, deusa da justiça,
Cria neste mundo que
Tanto precisa a verdadeira
Justiça, que as leis sejam
Estudadas e praticadas
Por todos os homens.

Este mundo carece de
Justiça, tu bem o sabes,
Precisamos de ti, ó deusa
Que preside a justiça e
O equilíbrio e que sempre
Terá diante de si o justo.

Poemas :  Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)
Têmis(Deuses e Homens, página 4)

Oh, tu, deusa da justiça,
Cria neste mundo que
Tanto precisa a verdadeira
Justiça, que as leis sejam
Estudadas e praticadas
Por todos os homens.

Este mundo carece de
Justiça, tu bem o sabes,
Precisamos de ti, ó deusa
Que preside a justiça e
O equilíbrio e que sempre
Terá diante de si o justo.