Poemas de reflexíon :  Clara burrada
En electoral delito
por López mal azuzada,
eso sí bien abusada
le robó el triunfo a Juanito
desde Iztapalapa grito:
“votar por Clara Brugada
sería una clara burrada
por turbia, oscura y opaca
cuidado, porque te atraca,
mejor vota por Taboada."

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 12 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de reflexíon :  A mí no me representa
A mí no me representa
el “gobierno” de un inepto
de un incapaz “intelecto”
que el vil retroceso alienta,
que contra el progreso atenta,
que busca el dinero en sobres
y tiene un país de pobres
envueltos en la mentira
mientras su nariz se estira
mostrando todos sus cobres.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 09 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Textos :  Porque Alquilar Impresoras, Aqui te contamos los Benefícios
Alquiler impresoras para tu emprendimiento puede brindar una variedad de beneficios técnicos y económicos. Como servicio especializado hemos hecho una lista de algunos de estos beneficios:

Beneficios Técnicos:

Acceso a Tecnología de Última Generación: Las empresas pueden acceder a equipos de impresión de última generación sin necesidad de pagar el costo inicial al alquilar impresoras. Les permite estar al tanto de las últimas innovaciones tecnológicas en el campo de la impresión.

Mantenimiento y Servicio Técnico Incluido: Frecuentemente, los contratos de arrendamiento de impresoras contemplan el mantenimiento y apoyo técnico. El proveedor del servicio será el encargado de resolver cualquier problema técnico o necesidad de mantenimiento, lo que disminuirá la carga sobre el personal interno de TI.

Flexibilidad para Escalar: Alquilar impresoras permite ajustar la capacidad de impresión según los cambios en las necesidades comerciales, lo que proporciona flexibilidad. Las empresas pueden fácilmente adaptar el número y tipo de impresoras alquiladas para cumplir con la demanda durante picos de actividad o crecimiento.

Actualización y Reemplazo Simplificados: Al finalizar el período de arrendamiento, las empresas tienen la facilidad para actualizar o reemplazar sus impresoras con un contrato de alquiler. Se elimina la preocupación por la obsolescencia del equipo y se garantiza contar siempre con tecnología actualizada y funcional.

Beneficios Económicos:

Presupuesto Predecible: Las empresas pueden prever con precisión los costos asociados a la impresión al alquilar impresoras, ya que el pago mensual del alquiler generalmente incluye todo, desde el equipo hasta el mantenimiento y los suministros. Simplifica la gestión del presupuesto y evita sorpresas por gastos inesperados.

Reducción de Costos Iniciales: En lugar de comprar impresoras con un gran desembolso inicial, alquilarlas implica un pago mensual más bajo. Esto libera fondos que se pueden invertir en otras áreas del negocio para obtener un retorno de inversión más rápido.

Ahorro en Costos de Mantenimiento y Reparación: Los contratos de alquiler de impresoras que incluyen servicios de mantenimiento y reparación pueden resultar en ahorros para las empresas en comparación con el mantenimiento ad hoc de equipos comprados. Asimismo, al no incurrir en gastos de reparación de equipos obsoletos, las empresas pueden lograr ahorros adicionales a largo plazo.

Beneficios Fiscales: Normalmente, se consideran gastos operativos en lugar de activos de capital los pagos mensuales del alquiler de impresoras. Los gastos operativos pueden deducirse de los impuestos sobre la renta, lo que puede resultar en beneficios fiscales.

Como lideres en alquiler de impresoras en Rosario, podemos afirmar que, en síntesis, el alquiler de impresoras puede brindar una variedad de ventajas técnicas y económicas para las empresas, como el acceso a la última tecnología, simplificación del mantenimiento, flexibilidad para expandirse y una gestión financiera más eficaz.

Poemas de reflexíon :  De López, el inclemente
El México de inconsciencia
vio el discurso tan rastrero
de López, el chapucero
que mencionó sin clemencia
“es de que no hay más violencia
tan solo más homicidios”,
el peje anda en los delirios
de decir sus tarugadas,
idioteces y burradas
ya paren tantos fastidios.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 06 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas de naturaleza :  El canto de la calandria
Cantó la calandria al alba
habiendo afinado el trino
desde su nido en el pino
sintiéndose sana y salva
se inspiraba al ver la malva,
el cielo era de arrebol
y su voz en si bemol
le brotaba muy ufana
buscando en hora temprana
darle bienvenida al sol.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 10 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas :  How to hide your full size sex doll
Owning a full-size sex doll can bring great pleasure and satisfaction to many people, but some people may prefer to carefully hide their dolls from prying eyes, which is understandable. Whether it's due to privacy concerns, living arrangements, or personal preference, finding a suitable hiding place for your doll is crucial. Here are some tips on how to effectively hide a full-size sex doll:

1. Choose a private space: Choose a secluded area in your home where you can safely store your full size sex doll without worrying about being discovered. Ideally, the space should be away from high-traffic areas and easily accessible only to you.

2. Take advantage of storage solutions: Invest in a storage solution such as a large armoire, wardrobe cabinet or a storage ottoman with hidden compartments where you can discreetly store your sex doll when not in use. These pieces of furniture blend seamlessly into your home décor while providing plenty of room to hide your dolls.

3. Use bedding and sheets: Cover your sex doll with a blanket, bedding, or large towel when not in use to disguise its appearance. Not only does this help protect your doll from dust and damage, but it also makes it less conspicuous to people who may encounter it.

4. Choose discreet packaging: When purchasing a full size sex doll, choose a supplier that offers discreet packaging to ensure your doll arrives safely and does not attract unnecessary attention. This may include plain, unmarked boxes or packaging that do not reveal the contents.

5. Consider disassembly: If space is limited or privacy is a concern, consider disassembling your sex doll into smaller, more manageable parts for storage. Like separate heads and sex doll torsos, this allows you to hide individual body parts in smaller spaces or compartments, making it easier to hide your doll.

6. Use caution: Finally, please use caution when discussing or mentioning your sex doll to others. Avoid leaving any clues or evidence that might reveal their presence in your home, and be careful with whom you share this information to maintain your privacy.

All in all, concealing your full-size sex doll requires careful thought and planning to ensure that it remains discreetly hidden while still being available for your enjoyment. By following these tips and strategies, you can store your sex doll safely and effectively without affecting your privacy or comfort.

Poemas de reflexíon :  De López, experto en lamentaciones y en dar pésames
Este López no escarmienta
por tanto muerto y herido
México está compungido,
la violencia se incrementa
y él solo se lamenta
dando pésames, experto,
mas, no sale del entuerto,
más de ciento ochenta mil
finados por el fusil
o pistola, en dato cierto.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 09 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas :  Mastering the Easiest Way to Bet on Football with Tài Xỉu at W88
Betting on football matches using the Tài Xỉu method has garnered widespread popularity due to its simplicity and higher odds of winning compared to other forms of betting. However, achieving success in this realm requires understanding certain strategies. In this comprehensive guide, https://wintips.com/ delve into the intricacies of Tài Xỉu betting, exploring its nuances, common methods, and expert tips to maximize your chances of winning.

Understanding Tài Xỉu Football Betting:

Tài Xỉu football betting is a popular form of sports wagering that revolves around predicting the total number of goals scored by both teams in a match. Commonly referred to as over and under bets, this betting method offers bettors the opportunity to forecast whether the actual number of goals will surpass (Tài) or fall short (Xỉu) of a predetermined benchmark set which betting site is the best.

In essence, bettors are tasked with making predictions regarding the scoring dynamics of the game, rather than simply picking the winning team. This adds an extra layer of excitement and complexity to the betting experience, as outcomes are determined by the cumulative goal tally rather than the match result alone.

The bookmaker establishes a benchmark for the total goals expected in the match, typically in the form of a fractional or whole number. Bettors then have the option to wager on whether the actual number of goals scored will exceed (Tài) or stay below (Xỉu) this benchmark. This benchmark serves as the pivot point around which betting decisions are made, with odds adjusted accordingly to reflect the perceived likelihood of each outcome.

For example, if the new bookmaker australia sets the Tài Xỉu benchmark at 2.5 goals and a bettor selects Tài, they would win the bet if three or more goals are scored in the match. Conversely, if they choose Xỉu, they would win if two or fewer goals are scored. In cases where the total goals exactly match the benchmark (e.g., two goals in a match with a 2.5 benchmark), the bet is typically refunded, known as a push.

Overall, Tài Xỉu football betting offers a versatile and engaging betting option for sports enthusiasts, providing a unique opportunity to speculate on the scoring dynamics of a match beyond the traditional win-loss outcome. By understanding the fundamental principles of Tài Xỉu betting, bettors can enhance their betting experience and potentially reap lucrative rewards.

For instance, if the offered Tài Xỉu bet is set at 4 goals and the match ends with a total of 3 goals, those who bet on Tài would lose, while those who bet on Xỉu would win. In the scenario of exactly 4 goals scored, the bet is considered a push, and the wagered amount is returned to the bettors.


Common Tài Xỉu Betting Methods:

Under Betting Strategy: This strategy involves selecting matches with a lower likelihood of high goal counts, favoring the under option. Bettors can seize opportunities during the match to add supplementary bets, enhancing their potential winnings.

Over Betting Strategy: Betting over involves choosing matches with a high probability of multiple goals and favoring the over option. Bettors can place over bets before the match begins and capitalize on favorable odds adjustments during the game.

Expert Tips for Tài Xỉu Betting:

Select Matches with Favorable Odds: Choosing matches with favorable odds is paramount for successful Tài Xỉu betting. It's crucial to assess handicap odds that align with your bankroll and risk appetite. Opting for handicaps of 1 or higher increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. Additionally, consider factors such as team form, head-to-head records, and player availability when making your selections.

Avoid Constantly Changing Odds Matches: Matches with rapidly fluctuating odds pose a higher level of uncertainty and risk for bettors. It's advisable to steer clear of such matches, as the instability in odds may indicate underlying unpredictability in the game. Instead, focus on fixtures where odds remain relatively stable leading up to kickoff, providing a more secure betting environment.

Monitor Corner Kick Statistics: Corner kick statistics offer valuable insights into a team's attacking prowess and their ability to create goal-scoring opportunities. Analyzing corner kick data for each team and their respective leagues enables bettors to make informed decisions. Favoring teams with higher corner kick averages increases the probability of goals being scored, particularly during in-play betting scenarios where corner kicks can influence the outcome significantly.

Utilize Live Betting Opportunities: Live betting presents bettors with dynamic opportunities to capitalize on shifting game dynamics and momentum swings. During halftime or lull periods within the match, when there are minimal corner kicks or no goals scored, live betting can offer lucrative prospects. By closely monitoring the game's progression and leveraging live betting platforms, bettors can maximize their potential returns and adapt their strategies in real-time.

Conclusion: Mastering Tài Xỉu football betting involves a combination of strategic selection, astute observation, and timely decision-making. By understanding the intricacies of this betting method and implementing expert tips, bettors can enhance their chances of success. Explore the diverse betting options available at W88, a reputable platform known for its user-friendly interface, efficient transactions, and diverse betting markets. Sign up today to embark on an exciting journey into the world of football betting.

Poemas de reflexíon :  De López y los tres extranjeros ejecutados
Ya no se respeta nada
la violencia va escalando,
López ha perdido el “mando”
todo está de la fregada
ahora fue en Ensenada,
por esos lares lejanos
matan a dos australianos
y a un gringo, para desgracia,
les dan el tiro de gracia,
pa’l narco abrazos pejianos.

Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
Ciudad de México, a 06 de mayo del 2024
Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

Poemas :  The winning strategy in football betting for beginners
When analyzing odds and betting on football, you surely cannot overlook the search for effective and useful betting tips. There are many betting strategies that can help you minimize risks and increase your chances of winning. If you are looking for suitable hot football tips 1x2 for analyzing odds, learn about the football betting strategies that many people apply below. They all promise to be the most useful and easiest to apply odds for beginners.

Ways to always win in football betting
When analyzing odds and betting, surely everyone wants to increase their chances of winning. In addition to understanding the rules of the game, you need to have your own tips. Let's explore the football betting strategies that many players apply to consistently win.

Don't bet when unsure
When analyzing football odds, you won't have a chance to correct your mistakes once you've placed your bet. Therefore, consider and choose carefully before placing your bet. You shouldn't rush if you don't fully understand the situation of both teams. Especially in cases of betting on ongoing matches, if you can't watch the match from the beginning or understand the match situation, you shouldn't bet. Only place your bet after careful consideration.

If you skip that match, you will still have many other opportunities. There are many football matches taking place every day. If you miss this match, you still have plenty of other opportunities to satisfy your passion. Of course, sometimes you may get lucky and win, but that cannot happen continuously. Even after 1-2 lucky times, you may encounter many other risks.

The winning football betting strategy to remember is to only bet when you are sure. To be sure, you need to carefully analyze the situation of both teams and consider the opinions of experts.

Absolutely avoid greed
Every day, there are numerous matches taking place. However, to increase your chances of winning and achieve the highest betting winnings, you shouldn't be too greedy and bet on too many matches. To ensure your betting success, you should only bet on a maximum of 3 matches per day, and only on odds that you are confident about, avoiding spreading your bets across all odds.

Betting on too many matches can lead to confusion, mistakes, and an inability to focus on making accurate best winning prediction app download. Therefore, it's advisable not to bet too much on matches. Losing a lot from betting too much will hurt more than gaining.

Moreover, you can skip betting on any matches for the whole day if you don't feel confident. If you don't bet today, you can bet tomorrow. When learning how to consistently win in football betting, remember that greed is the biggest enemy for those analyzing odds and betting on football.

Don't follow the crowd's trend
When analyzing football odds specifically, and sports odds in general, the most dangerous thing is to follow the crowd. Remember, victory doesn't always belong to the majority. Bet based on your own judgment. Sometimes, odds with fewer selections end up winning.

If you see too many people betting on one side, you can bet on the opposite direction. Of course, to place a bet, you need to analyze the match situation. If you feel confident in your choice, don't hesitate to go against the crowd.

Maintain emotional stability
In analyzing football odds and ensuring consistent betting success, psychology is an extremely important factor. This is one of the strategies for winning in football betting that many people know, but not everyone can execute.

No matter what happens, even if the match unfolds unexpectedly, stay calm to make timely predictions and assessments. You can correct mistakes if you have a strong mindset. Being alert will help you know when to place bets to recover losses and when to withdraw. If your mindset is not strong enough, you may end up losing bets unnecessarily.

Set win-loss limits
When analyzing football odds and betting, you need to set yourself a betting limit. When you've spent that amount, even if you're winning, you should stop. Continuing to analyze odds and bet further can result in losing all the money you've earned in a short period. Instead, only spend the predetermined amount for betting. You'll quickly see your stable victories without affecting your initial capital and even see profits.

Especially if you've lost all that money, you must stop immediately, without continuing to bet out of frustration. If you've lost too much, you'll lose the clarity to make accurate predictions. You might even think you're having a bad streak, so stopping can prevent further losses and keep bad luck from sticking to you. Stop at the right time to show that you're a smart player.

Allocate bets reasonably
Not only should you set an initial betting amount for analyzing odds, but you also need to have a plan for allocating that betting amount. This is a football betting strategy that often gets overlooked by many.

Splitting your betting amount will increase your chances of winning more, preventing you from losing everything in a single match or odds ratio. Moreover, dividing your betting amount among different odds ratios helps you understand your strengths. From there, you can improve your abilities and secure victories. When you select the right bet with a winning rate surpassing 70%, placing the right amount can increase your winning rate to 90%. Therefore, determining how much to bet and which match to bet on gives you a comprehensive view and ensures your budget.

Additionally, you can apply the progressive betting strategy, meaning your betting amount increases slightly after each match if you win the previous one. For example, if you win the first match, you can add half of the betting amount for the next one. This can potentially increase your winning opportunities while minimizing losses if any occur.


Doubling the bet for the next round after doubling the previous round.

Betting according to the unit of 4 consecutive winning rounds, then resetting after a loss. Specifically: 1-3-2-6 / 1-3-2-4.

You should only bet a maximum of 2 odds per match and limit the maximum number of matches in a day. The recommended number is 3 matches per day.

Always adhere to the principle of not betting the entire betting amount. Maximum 50-70% of the capital per round.

This is a very effective method for new players. Of course, you should only divide and bet on odds that you are confident in and understand well. To improve your skills, practice a lot and think carefully.

Seek a reputable bookmaker
If you've been analyzing odds for a long time, you probably have your own reputable and familiar bookmakers. However, for new players, this is not a simple task. In fact, choosing a reputable bookmaker is extremely important and is widely shared among winning football betting strategies applied by experienced players.

Reputable bookmakers typically offer diverse odds ratios, attractive winning betting rates, transparent and quickly updated information. They also ensure that you receive the full amount of your winnings. Here, you can also learn about football odds analysis and evaluations from experienced expert teams, thereby making accurate assessments. There are many strategies for consistently winning in football betting for newcomers.

The above are 7 ways to increase your chances and betting winnings. However, most importantly, you still need to understand the rules of analyzing odds, know how to read odds, and assess matches.

To provide accurate odds ratios, you need to rely on factors such as: pre-match situation, form of both teams, squad strength, star player form, class difference... Also, consult the assessments of experts and experienced players.

Consistently monitor and avoid being trapped by bookmaker odds
"Trap betting" is not a new term in the betting world, and if players are not truly vigilant, they can easily fall into the traps set by olbg.com. This is because the tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated in changing the odds or betting lines to manipulate the players' psychology.

In the betting community, this situation is referred to as "virtual football" or "virtual betting". To minimize losses and avoid losing bets, it's advisable for players to patiently monitor the odds and be prepared to handle unexpected changes effectively.

Of course, in betting, there will be wins and losses, even experienced players cannot guarantee a 100% win rate. Most importantly, you need to have a strong mindset, be confident, and not rush. Stay calm, keep a clear head to place the most accurate bets.

Hopefully, through the article above, you have gained more winning football betting strategies for yourself. Apply them and feel the effectiveness they bring. Wish you always have the victories you desire.