Textos :  The Evolution of Perception in Sculpture: A Journey with Miguel Peraza
As part of the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, to be held from September 18 to 21 in Monterrey, Mexico, renowned Mexican sculptor Miguel Peraza will lead a workshop that promises to be a milestone in the history of contemporary art. This event, titled "The Evolution of Perception in Sculpture," will explore the journey from traditional forms to more recent innovations, highlighting Peraza's "Genesis 4D" cryptosculpture.

A Master of Quantum Sculpture.
Miguel Peraza, born on September 29, 1959, has dedicated his life to pushing the limits of human creativity. His work is characterized by a deep intersection between art and science, especially quantum physics. The theory of the many worlds, which postulates the existence of infinite parallel universes, has been a constant source of inspiration for Peraza.

Genesis 4D: A Revolution in Sculpture.
The centerpiece of the workshop will be "Genesis 4D," a cryptosculpture that challenges the traditional perception of art. This work is not just a sculpture; It is an immersive experience that invites the viewer on a quantum journey. With its spherical shape and its composition of circles and metal polygons of various colors, "Genesis 4D" seems to change before our eyes depending on the angle from which it is viewed. This visual dynamic simulates the concept of quantum superposition, where particles exist in multiple states at the same time until visual and mental collapse occurs.

Innovation and Education.
Peraza's passion for sharing his artistic vision has led him to install his works in renowned educational venues, such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), among others. "Genesis 4D" is not only a piece to be admired, but also an educational instrument that incites students and academics to reflect on the nature of our existence and the possibilities offered by the universe.

The Workshop: A Space for Reflection and Innovation.
During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to explore how perception in sculpture has evolved from traditional forms to more recent innovations. Peraza will share his creative process and his vision for how art can be a means to explore and understand complex scientific concepts. In addition, the impact of blockchain technology on art will be discussed, a topic that Peraza has explored deeply with his crypto sculpture.

A Meeting of Brilliant Minds.
The 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates could not be a more fitting setting for this event. The summit brings together some of the world's brightest minds, all committed to finding innovative solutions to global challenges. In this context, Peraza's workshop will offer a unique perspective on how art and science can converge to create new ways of understanding and experiencing the world.

Final Thoughts.
The work of Miguel Peraza, and in particular "Genesis 4D", is a reflection of the human condition. It invites us to consider our own multidimensionality and the possibility of existing in different realities. It is a metaphor for life itself, where each decision leads us down a different path, creating a new version of ourselves in some other parallel universe.

In summary, Miguel Peraza's workshop at the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates promises to be a transformative experience. Through his cryptosculpture "Genesis 4D", Peraza challenges us to open our minds to new possibilities and to explore the intersection between art and science and their importance to live together in peace and harmony. Undoubtedly, this event will not only enrich the participants, but will also contribute to the continuous evolution of perception in sculpture and art in general.

Enrique Canchola Martínez
Metropolitan Autonomous University
Mexico City, Mexico

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